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Sunday Driver
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :I really don't use paper manuals. I either learn myself 80% of the time or read a typical PDF or something similar.

So no, I wouldn't buy a printed manual, since it is something I would most likely never use. That's just me.

That's exactly the same way I do prefer it, too. But LfS impressed me so much, since I detected it one week ago, so it isn't a question for me. It's a must have!

I hope there are some further informations in particular about figuring out the car set-up. It's a little bit difficult to handle with dampers, springs, tyre pressure etc. if you haven't a degree in physics or haven't played a good racing game which simulates such things in a proper way during the last past years. A brief description how to drive each track with some general set-up hints would be nice as well.

Does anyone knows the old classic Geoff Crammonds Grand Prix Crircuit, which was released about 15 years ago? The manual of the first part still stands in my shelves. It's one of the best of its genre.

By the way I already ordered the German manual together with the S2 licence on the 4players website.
Last edited by Sunday Driver, .
Sunday Driver
S2 licensed
I don't like the cockpit view very much. It disturbes me, if so much place of my little 17'' monitor surface is covered by the cockpit.

If I'm driving real cars I don't take about the steering wheel or the more or less nice interior, I'm just concentrating what happens outside the car. So I choose the classical bumper view in racing games. That comes for me closest to reality. The idea with the "tyres-view" in life4speed ist exciting, because your'e "sitting" in the right cockpit height (not only 5 inches above the asphalt) .

Perhaps I would like the cockpit view too, if I could play with a beamer, projecting the race on a big white wall. Then I wouldn't feel so constraint and I could use the rear-view mirror on the leften side.
Last edited by Sunday Driver, .
Some more Multiplayer Options
Sunday Driver
S2 licensed

I'm new to the game, so I don't know if my suggestions are already mentioned, in work progress or just utopian gamer dreams. If this is the case forget all about the following.

Setting up a server:

- There could be an additional option to restart the race automatically, after the winner has finished the race, e.g. after 60 or 90 seconds.

- There could be a automatically random select track option. If it would be configureable by the host, which tracks are selectable, it'll be even better.

Joinig a game or server

- The list of available servers should also get sorted by the name. Then it would be easier to find a server like "New Bees Place". Then you can decide, whether the ping is still good enough or not.

During the race

- If the pitstop function is enabled, there a are some problems, particulary in short races about 5-7 laps. Some human drivers are making their pitstop in the very last round, and are finishing the race in the pit without returning to the track. I'm sure that's not they way it was intended and it's very cheesy. So these drivers should be forced to make their pitsop at the latest in the second last round. If there are also AI drivers taking part in such races, they make no pitstop at all and are getting disqualified.

Nevertheless the multiplayer part is exemplary.
Last edited by Sunday Driver, .